On September 3, 2022 Pi Chapter observed 100 years of TKE Fraternity with a fantastic reunion event held at our Chapter House. The reunion was well-attended, with over 200 brothers and guests turning out to celebrate. Also in attendance was a PSU Trustee, who represented the university and expressed his commitment to the Greek system. National TKE’s representative, Pete Dawson, presented Pi Chapter with a 100th year commemorative plaque and proclamation honoring our 100 years of being a TKE fraternity. The chapter has also achieved the status of being the longest continual operating TKE chapter nationally; out doing previous holder of this distinction, Ohio State.
The event dedicated the new front terrace with its engraved granite pavers donated by over 386 actives and alumni. 77 of the pavers were donated by alumni in memorial for other deceased brothers. Pavers were also donated for all the 26 original founders; long time chefs Al and Margaret Harris, and housemother Betty Walsh.
The new 1,000 square foot addition to the rear patio was a highlight of the event. All new fencing, gates, and landscaping around the fencing was also completed for the reunion. The actives have fully taken over the additional outside gathering space with more outdoor furnishings, moving the basketball net into the courtyard, and relocating the corn hole court front and center in the new area., This concrete expansion eliminated a rather messy area that became a muddy dirt nuisance.
The alumni also enjoyed the converted first floor coat room into our Pi TKE historic memorabilia room. Two new display cases showcased many historic events, awards, gatherings, and personal pictures of many alumni. The event also displayed over 300 more photos, citations, and awards the chapter has had in its archives. The event presented to the current Prytanis, Doug Weller, a !00 year plaque listing all the know past Prytanis. Brass plates signify past presidents of the house and allow for future presidents to be added to the plaque. Another plaque was returned to the house honoring Pi TKE’s five alumni who died in World War II. Brass plates honoring several of our alumni for their financial donations toward special projects at the house were placed at each donors project: the memorabilia display case by Fred Villforth ’68; new fencing by Rich Kalich ’68, 26 founders pavers and the TKE logo central paver donated by Thomas Wentzler ’69; and a second memorabilia display case by Andrew Tomaskevitch ’14.
Guest were also treated to two large screen TV video productions showing numerous memorabilia pictures, composites, parties, awards, sporting events, historic photos of the house, and many personal photos of alumni during their years at the chapter house. Over 300 photos were also on display throughout the first floor.
Pattee Library also had a special display honoring PI TKE’s 100th anniversary open to viewing by our alumni during our weekend reunion. It had a wonderful collection of historic photos of the interior of the house around the years 1930-1940. Sue Paterno was one of the Pattee Library hosts presenting the display.
100 years of providing live long friendships and memorable days at PSU is no easy accomplishment. Credit belongs to each of you who committed your years at being a Pi TKE, the fraternity for life. May we enjoy many more years as a top fraternity at Penn State and with the TKE national organization.
Questions regarding the event should be directed to Alumni President Andrew Tomaskevitch, ’14 via email ([email protected]) or text (570.906.4792).